Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Anxiety Attacks At Home

Anxiety attacks at home are the easiest to get rid of. Since you are surround by stuff that make you comfortable. If you experience an anxiety attack at home all you need to do is sit down and find something that will take your mind away from the panic. What I usually will do is turn the television on and channnel my mind to what I am watching.

I know there are anti-anxiety medications you can get prescribed by your doctor. They are not good for you if you read up about them. I have tried them a couple times and usually give me a more higher scale anxiety attack than I would usually have. Thats just me though, I might be allergic to them but they can be harmful to your health, from what I read.

Monday, May 2, 2011

How To Lower Your Anxiety

Hello everyone,

I have had anxiety for the past 6yrs now. During this time I have developed my own way to lower my anxiety. If I didn't do this I felt like I would go crazy, everyone who goes through anxiety or panic attacks knows they can really mess with your thoughts. Anyway, I will go through all the steps that I use to lower it. Mental Health Blogs
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1. While going through a panic attack, try and stop and tell yourself, "I'm not letting this happen to me," say this as many times as you need to, because after a while you will start to beleive yourself.

2. I sometimes count backwards from 10 to 1 which is actually a well known way to calm yourself, and is very effective.

3. Close your eyes, maybe try to sleep. Doing this will restart your mind and you will not be seeing the things that are making you panic.

4. Drink cold water, I do not know if this will be effective for everyone, but it usually makes me feel as if I am in good health.

These are some of the ways I lower my anxiety. Words of wisdom, do not take everything so seriously or else everything will come crumbling down around you. Remember that it is not the end of the world!!